Morningstar’s Relay Driveris a logic module which provides high level system control functions such as high/low voltage alarms, load control and generator start. The product controls four independent relay driver outputs by reading digital data inputs from Morningstar’s TriStar controller or by reading battery voltage when used in systems with other controllers.
Dimensions Length: 16.3 cm / 6.4 inch
Width: 8.1 cm / 3.2 inch
Depth: 3.3 cm / 1.3 inch
• Weight 0.2 kg / 0.4 lb
• Largest Wire 1.0 to 0.25 mm2, 16 to 24 AWG
• Torque Terminals 0.4 Nm / 3.5 in-lb
• Enclosure Type 1, indoor rated
• DIN Rail Attachment 35 mm standar